Conservatory Restoration
Conservatory Restoration
Built in 1937, the Longview Park Conservatory has fallen into disrepair over the years. The Friends of Long View have made it a priority to the renovation the Conservatory and reached out to representatives from the organization that provided the construction outline, Lord and Burnham (https://lordandburnham.com/). They discussed the structure and parts needed. L & B is putting together a price estimate for renovation.
In the meantime, FOLV Vice President Todd Linscott found a Lord and Burnham conservatory that had been dismantled and for sale. The parts were all compatible with the Longview Conservatory, so some volunteers went out to Pennsylvania in June 2024 to pick up the parts and bring them back to Rock Island. A schedule will be developed over Summer 2024 to start restoration and repair.

Lower Lagoon Restoration
Lagoon Restoration
The Friends of Long View Park had an assessment done by Mik Holgersson of Vildmark, a Quad City Ecological firm. In the follow up report, Mik compiled pond and watershed metrics, work needed and estimated project costs. The report included a list of benefits of Lagoon Renovation:
- Stormwater detention
- Reduction of sanitary sewer treatment load
- Wildlife use
- Park aesthetics
Recreational Uses: - Interpretive Education (i.e. park history, stormwater management, wildlife, etc.)